Kinda had a rough weekend. I mean overall it was fine, Toddlerspeak (TS) has just really hit her stride (God, I hope this is her stride and we’re on the downswing) in the “pushing limits” department. On Sunday, we were set to go to a Superbowl Party, something we’ve done for years now. I have to admit I was leery of it. It’s an adult party, TS was going to be, at best, one of 2-3 kids, but most likely the only kid. In the last couple years we’ve taken her and she’s been an angel. People realize she’s there and are amazed. She plays quietly with her toys and eats all the obnoxious party food with us and it’s all-good. We bask in her amazingness. But she’s 2 now, all bets are off, you know. And the superbowl was right in the middle of when she usually naps, so I was pretty sure I was going to spend the better part of the party 1) being embarrassed by her and 2) chasing her around, yelling to get down in front, etc… As if to prove my point:
We ran some errands a few hours before the game (V-day shopping). Home Depot was next door, so Daddyspeak (DS) ran in to pick up a couple things and TS and I hit Boutique Target (Tar-jay). Everything was more or less fine (minor altercation about getting out of the car, but nothing big) until DS showed up at Target. All hell broke loose! She became that kid who wants everything on the shelves and then meltdowns into a full tantrum when you tell her no. She has NEVER done that before. I know, what am I complaining about, she’s 2 and she’s never done the full public meltdown before??? (Yes, we’ve been lucky). It was just so random (for us). It only latest a few minutes, but felt like an hour. At one point DS (trying to distract,) says to her, “TS look at the cute baby over there,” to which she replied by shrieking louder. (Now everyone in the near vicinity is looking at us!) So he then says, (kinda under his breath) “Everyone don’t look at the not so cute toddler over here.” Exactly.
Needless, TS and I stayed home from the party. She napped, I got the first coat of lavender scallops painted in Babyspeaks room. (Shh, don’t tell TS, she’ll be pissed I painted without her again.)
Who could say no to this face?
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