Tuesday, March 27, 2007

11 Months....Then and Now

Then and ....

kinda weird to think that a year ago she was in that tummy of mine. now she's cleaning out my tupperware drawer, making me babyproof the house, telling me no, keeping me up at night, eating my meals for me, wrapping those little arms around my neck, chasing the dogs and cats, playing in the bathtub and pool, dancing the mambo, putting shapes into sorters, giving kisses and hug and breaking her mama's heart cause she's growing up so fast.
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Anonymous said...

11 months? She's got so much hair! I'm so jealous. Too cute for words.

Laura said...

She's gorgeous. Yes, they grow too fast. Time escapes through our fingers. We have to live every moment as a unique moment. In no time she'll be 2, and then 3. I know how it feels. Have a great weekend.