Tuesday, July 31, 2007

More, more, more...

Yes, more rain, more heat, more humidity, more sleep (Thank God!) and more BUGS!

So on the plus side I did actually get some sleep last night. I think I was so exhausted I just crashed. I woke up several times from my back hurting, but I did reach REM which is a problem for me when I'm hurting, so that's good. It certainly make some of the rest of this more bearable. But, can I just tell you?, the BUGS! OMG, the Bugs! The bugs here are NOT like in California. In CA they twitter, they chirp, you know they're around, but you aren't afraid they'll take over. Here they are so freaking LOUD! It's like you can't hear yourself think if you outside after 3 PM. It's kinda creepy actually, cause it means there are so damn many of them. Another reason to perplex me on why the hell anyone would live here???

Look if you live in Midwest, more power to you. You're obviously made of sturdier stock than I. I (knock on wood) have not been bitten, but DD#1 is getting eaten alive, poor baby. Actually she isn't really complaining about it, but to look at her one leg....ehww. Seriously, these are like the nastiest bug bites I've seen. It's my understanding that the one's on her legs are "chigger" bites. They crawl up your legs from the grass and bite you later. EEHW! Apparently she must've gotten those at the farm the other day. So not only do you have to cover yourself in bug spray, but you need to make sure you cover you shoes and socks. Ideally, you wear some kind of boots and long pants (jeans) to help avoid them. (She had on tennis shoes and jeans.) So if it's not hot enough for you, don't worry you'll have to suit up to avoid being eaten alive. That should get you sweating.


Anonymous said...

Oh my lord -- from the plane to the chiggers -- this sounds like the trip from hell. But at least you're getting sleep.


Jabber said...

Man, and I thought New York City was bad this time of year. Criminy.

Jabber said...

P.S. I just discovered your blog from a link from "Cry it out" -- love it!